Creativity is the Opposite of Production
October 1st brought summer temperatures and an opportunity to enjoy the last taste of summer before fall begins in earnest. I purposefully took today off after working all weekend, so that I could rest and spend time outdoors.
Being outside makes me happy.
Not in an exuberant, joyous way, but in a grounded, peaceful way, where I can sink into myself and the world around me. Pausing to feel the light breeze in my hair and the warmth on my feet, I feel lucky to live in such a beautiful climate.
The leaves are gently rustling before me and the threat of a storm looms in the not-so-distant future, but for right now, the outdoors is perfect, light, humming with crickets, and willing my soul to give in to the creative whisperings of its own.
Why Creativity is Scared to Emerge
I rarely allow myself these quiet moments to just be; always rushing, always doing, always on. But this constant busyness is too much to ask of myself.
We aren’t meant to work seven days a week.
We aren’t meant to place all our stock in our professions.
We aren’t meant to primarily value productivity.
You see, creativity is inherently lazy. It lallygags in our minds, only peeking out of its hiding spot when we are bored or quiet enough. Creativity is only brave enough to show up when it isn’t scared of being trampled by the “shoulds” and musts” of our internal dialogue.
What Does Creativity Look Like in Our Lives?
Creativity is the 12 year old girl who wanted so desperately to show that she could act, but was told she should focus on her strengths behind the scenes.
Creativity is the immature fun that got trampled out by parents’ yelling and chastising a young woman about how she should behave.
Creativity consists of your quirks, humour and attitude, which have been damped or silenced by a superior’s direction to be seen and not heard.
Creativity is that lingering curiosity to try something new that got pushed aside for things on the proverbial to-do list.
Creativity is looking up, away from the task at hand, and wondering about that which we don’t yet understand.
Creativity is the opposite of production.
Creativity has no deadline.
Creativity does not reward volume.
Creativity cannot be measured.
Creativity fills you up, while production drains you.
Seek More Creativity to Bring More of Yourself to Life
Without creativity, we become slaves to the machine. I’ve been there and it was soulless. The only way to bring more soul, more you-ness, to the world is to stop filling your day with tasks and leave a little space for unproductive fun. Listen to music, dance like no one’s watching, break out the guitar that’s been gathering dust, play fetch with the dog, sing your heart out, read for fun, write without editing, and dream without judgement.