Power, Purpose, and Possibility

To say I haven’t felt like myself for the last couple of years would be a massive understatement. But what it took for a little insight was not a massive breakthrough in session; it was during savasana on a Sunday night, as my yoga instructor asked over Zoom what my intention for the week ahead was going to be.

How did I want to feel?

The words came clearly: Powerful, purposeful, and full of possibility.

4 Reasons You Should Be Writing Business Blogs

With all the things on your to-do list, writing a business blog never seems to be the priority. But if you’re struggling to keep clients coming to you, then a business blog could be the answer you need to let your content do some legwork for you. To attract people to you and your services or products, you have to be producing content online that draws them in, helps them out and keeps you top of mind.

Fake Deadlines: Can You Please Just Stop?

It’s December of 2019, it’s not the end of the world. I think we all learned about how silly we could be in 1999, when we thought all computers would just stop working and the economy would come to a grinding halt at midnight.

Newsflash: The only difference between December 31, 2019 and January 1, 2020? A few hours.

The Real Meaning of Mentorship

There’s something heavy on my heart this week that I want to share. I realized and felt what it was like to have mentors in my corner, cheering for my success and pushing me out of my comfort zone, up-levelling to where I belong, with the help of people who have known me for over a decade. 

The Importance of Money Conversations Among Freelancers

I only realized how underpaid I was after I left my 9-to-5 job and started to open up with people about what they make, what their experience level was, and what the industry standard dictated. Now, I’m in a position, as a freelancer, to start asking for what I’m worth and choosing to work for and with people that respect what I bring to the table.

There’s only one way to do that: start talking shop with your freelancing colleagues.

What Social Media Free Sundays Have Taught Me

One day a week to stay off social media has been totally doable and easy to fit into my schedule without serious FOMO. Yes, social media is necessary for my job - I literally write social media content for others and I share about what I’m doing in my business. But, I do not have to be on it all the time to see the benefits of sharing what I’m up to. 

A Trial Run As A Copywriter

This week was a trial run at focusing solely on writing and ditching the editing. I decided to do this because I was feeling stretched too thin, and I was frustrated that I didn’t have the mental capacity to focus on my own creative projects.